What Can You Do With Reiki Level 2?

In this article, we will explore the possibilities and benefits that come with Reiki Level 2. You will discover how this level can enhance your healing practice by learning to work with symbols, distance healing, and mental/emotional healing. By the end, you will have a better understanding of the expanded opportunities and skills that Reiki Level 2 can offer you.

What Can You Do With Reiki Level 2?

Understanding Reiki Level 2

Reiki Level 2 is an advanced stage in the practice of Reiki, an ancient healing technique that originated in Japan. While Reiki Level 1 primarily focuses on self-healing and building a foundation for the practice, Reiki Level 2 takes your healing abilities to a whole new level. In this article, we will explore the purpose of Reiki Level 2, the attunement to higher energies, learning new techniques, expanding your healing abilities, deepening your spiritual connection, increasing personal transformation, working with Reiki symbols, using Reiki for mental and emotional healing, balancing and harmonizing energy centers, exploring the power of intentions, and applying Reiki in various life situations.

The Purpose of Reiki Level 2

Reiki Level 2 is intended to further enhance your connection to the universal life force energy and deepen your understanding of the healing process. At this level, you move beyond just healing yourself and are now able to help others on their healing journeys. Reiki Level 2 also enables you to tap into higher frequencies of energy, making your healing sessions more potent and allowing for the release of deeper emotional and energetic blocks.

Attunement to Higher Energies

One of the significant aspects of Reiki Level 2 is the attunement process. During the attunement, your energy channels are opened up even further, allowing you to receive and channel higher frequencies of healing energy. This attunement often leads to a heightened sense of intuition and increased sensitivity to energy. It also amplifies your ability to conduct distant healing, enabling you to send healing energy to people, situations, or even the past or future.

Learning New Techniques

In Reiki Level 2, you will learn and be attuned to three sacred Reiki symbols. These symbols hold immense power and can be used to enhance the healing process. The first symbol, Cho Ku Rei, is used to increase and focus the Reiki energy. It can be used to heal physical ailments, clear negative energy from spaces, and enhance the effectiveness of affirmations. The second symbol, Sei He Ki, is specifically designed for mental and emotional healing. It aids in the release of past traumas, reduces stress and anxiety, and promotes emotional balance. The third symbol, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, is the symbol for distant healing. It allows you to send Reiki energy across time and space, making it possible to heal someone who is not physically present.

Expanding Your Healing Abilities

Enhanced Energy Flow

With the attunement to higher energies and the use of sacred symbols, Reiki Level 2 allows for an enhanced flow of healing energy. This means that the energy you channel during your healing sessions becomes even stronger and more powerful. It also enables you to work with the energy more intuitively, trusting your own guidance and allowing the energy to guide you in the healing process.

Healing Others from a Distance

One of the most remarkable aspects of Reiki Level 2 is the ability to heal others from a distance. By using the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol, you can send healing energy to loved ones, clients, or situations that are not physically present. Distance healing is particularly beneficial in cases where immediate physical contact is not possible, such as when someone is located in a different city or even in a different country. This ability to heal from a distance expands your reach and enables you to assist others no matter where they are.

Clearing Mental and Emotional Blocks

Reiki Level 2 equips you with powerful tools to address mental and emotional blocks. The Sei He Ki symbol works specifically on releasing these blocks and promoting emotional balance. It can be used to heal past traumas, reduce negative emotions, and alleviate stress and anxiety. By working with the energy and these symbols, you can delve deep into the root causes of mental and emotional imbalances and support healing and transformation.

Deepening Your Spiritual Connection

Connecting with Higher Consciousness

Reiki Level 2 opens doors to a deeper spiritual connection. As you attune to higher energies and work with the symbols, you become more aligned with the universal life force energy. This alignment allows you to tap into higher levels of consciousness and connect with your higher self and spiritual guides. It enhances your psychic ability and intuition, allowing for greater insight and guidance during healing sessions.

Strengthening Intuition

Intuition plays a vital role in Reiki Level 2. As you deepen your spiritual connection, your intuition becomes a powerful tool in your healing practice. You learn to trust your inner guidance, whether it’s choosing the appropriate symbols, knowing where to direct the energy, or sensing the underlying causes of imbalances. Honing your intuition enables you to become a more effective and intuitive healer.

Spiritual Growth

Reiki Level 2 is not just about healing others, but also about your personal spiritual growth. Through the practice of Reiki, you embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment. As you deepen your connection to the universal life force energy, you become more aligned with your true self and purpose. This spiritual growth extends beyond your healing sessions and impacts all areas of your life, promoting a sense of peace, clarity, and fulfillment.

Increasing Personal Transformation

Self-Healing and Self-Empowerment

While Reiki Level 1 focuses primarily on self-healing, Reiki Level 2 takes it a step further. With the addition of the symbols and the attunement process, you are empowered to take an active role in your own healing journey. You can use Reiki to heal past traumas, release old patterns, and bring about positive changes in your life. Reiki becomes a tool for self-empowerment and personal transformation.

Releasing Old Patterns

Reiki Level 2 offers a powerful opportunity to release old patterns and belief systems that no longer serve you. By working with the symbols and the energy, you can identify and let go of deep-seated emotional and energetic blocks that hold you back. These patterns and beliefs may have been ingrained since childhood or may have been carried over from past lives. Reiki provides a safe and gentle space to release and transform them, allowing for personal growth and greater alignment with your true self.

Manifestation and Goal-setting

With Reiki Level 2, you gain the ability to harness the energy of manifestation. By setting clear intentions and working with the symbols, you can amplify the Law of Attraction and manifest your goals and desires. Whether it’s attracting abundance, manifesting a loving relationship, or achieving career success, Reiki becomes a powerful tool in co-creating your reality. The energy you channel supports the manifestation process, helping you align with what you desire and bring it into your life.

What Can You Do With Reiki Level 2?

Working with Reiki Symbols

The Power of Symbols

Symbols hold immense power and have been used throughout history in various spiritual practices. In Reiki Level 2, symbols play a significant role in the healing process. They act as gateways to specific energies and serve as powerful tools for focus and intention. By working with these symbols, you can access different aspects of the universal life force energy and direct it to specific areas for healing and transformation.

The Cho Ku Rei Symbol

The Cho Ku Rei symbol is the first symbol you will learn in Reiki Level 2. It represents the power to increase and focus the Reiki energy. By using this symbol, you can intensify the healing energy, making it more potent and effective. The Cho Ku Rei symbol can be used in various ways, such as drawing it over a specific area for healing, placing it on crystals or objects to charge them with healing energy, or even visualizing it during meditation to amplify your energy field.

The Sei He Ki Symbol

The Sei He Ki symbol is often referred to as the harmony symbol. It has a profound impact on mental and emotional healing and promotes balance and inner harmony. By working with this symbol, you can release past traumas, reduce stress and anxiety, and clear negative emotions. The Sei He Ki symbol can be used in healing sessions by drawing it over the recipient’s body or even by visualizing it in your mind’s eye during distance healing.

Using Reiki for Mental and Emotional Healing

Healing Past Traumas

Reiki Level 2 provides powerful tools for healing past traumas. By working with the Sei He Ki symbol and channeling the energy, you can delve deep into the root causes of emotional and energetic imbalances. Whether it’s childhood traumas or past life experiences, Reiki assists in releasing and transforming these traumas. The energy helps to bring them to the surface, creating a safe space for healing and promoting emotional well-being.

Releasing Negative Emotions

Negative emotions can often become trapped within the energy field, leading to imbalances and discomfort. Reiki Level 2 equips you with techniques to release these emotions and restore emotional balance. By using the Sei He Ki symbol, you can bring these emotions into awareness and channel healing energy to release and transform them. Reiki supports the natural process of emotional healing and promotes a sense of peace and well-being.

Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are prevalent in today’s fast-paced world. Reiki Level 2 offers a powerful tool to alleviate these conditions. By using the Sei He Ki symbol and channeling the healing energy, you can bring about a sense of calm and relaxation. Reiki works on both a physical and energetic level, helping to release tension, restore balance, and reduce stress and anxiety. Regular Reiki sessions can provide ongoing support in managing and reducing these common modern-day ailments.

What Can You Do With Reiki Level 2?

Balancing and Harmonizing Energy Centers

Activating and Clearing the Chakras

The chakras, or energy centers, play a vital role in our overall well-being. Reiki Level 2 enables you to work with the chakras and bring about balance and harmony. By channeling healing energy and using the symbols, you can activate and clear each chakra, restoring their natural flow and energy. Balancing the chakras enhances physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, promoting a sense of overall balance and vitality.

Aura Clearing and Balancing

The aura is the energetic field that surrounds our physical bodies. It absorbs energies from our environment and can become imbalanced or blocked over time. Reiki Level 2 offers techniques to clear and balance the aura, promoting energy flow and well-being. By using the symbols and channeling the healing energy, you can release stagnant or negative energy from the aura and restore its natural vitality. Clearing and balancing the aura enhances your overall energetic well-being and supports your spiritual growth.

Promoting Energy Flow

Energy flow is vital for optimal health and well-being. Reiki Level 2 facilitates energy flow by removing energetic blockages and restoring harmony to the body and energy field. By working with the symbols and channeling the healing energy, you can promote the free flow of energy throughout the body, encouraging overall health and vitality. Reiki supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself by restoring balance and energy flow to all areas of the physical, mental, and emotional being.

Exploring the Power of Intentions

Setting Clear Intentions

Intentions play a significant role in the manifestation process. Reiki Level 2 provides techniques to set clear and focused intentions. By working with the symbols and aligning with the healing energy, you can state your intentions clearly and direct the energy to support their manifestation. The energy you channel amplifies your intentions, helping you align with your desires and co-create the reality you envision.

Using Reiki to Manifest Goals

Reiki Level 2 offers a powerful tool for manifesting goals. By combining the energy of Reiki with clear intentions, you can supercharge your manifestations. By working with the symbols and channeling the healing energy, you can align with your goals on a deeper level and bring them into reality. Reiki supports the manifestation process by aligning your energy, thoughts, and actions with what you desire, greatly increasing the likelihood of achieving your goals.

Amplifying the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction states that like energy attracts like energy. Reiki Level 2 enhances your ability to work with the Law of Attraction. By using the symbols and channeling the healing energy, you can raise your energetic vibration, aligning with what you desire and attracting it into your life. Reiki amplifies your intentions and supports you in becoming a vibrational match to your desires, enabling you to manifest with greater ease and flow.

Applying Reiki in Various Life Situations

Reiki for Relationships

Reiki Level 2 can be a powerful tool for healing and enhancing relationships. By channeling healing energy and using the symbols, you can bring healing and harmony to your relationships. Reiki helps to release negative emotions, promote understanding and forgiveness, and restore balance and communication. Whether it’s a romantic relationship, friendship, or family dynamic, Reiki can support the healing and growth of these connections.

Reiki for Career Success

Reiki Level 2 can also be beneficial in the realm of career and success. By using the symbols and channeling healing energy, you can align with your career goals and aspirations. Reiki supports you in finding clarity, increasing focus, and manifesting opportunities that align with your highest good. Whether it’s attracting clients, finding your purpose, or taking your career to the next level, Reiki can be a valuable tool on your path to success.

Reiki for Healing Spaces

Spaces can hold energetic imprints from past events or emotions, impacting the overall atmosphere and energy. Reiki Level 2 equips you with techniques to clear and enhance the energy of spaces. By using the symbols and channeling healing energy, you can release stagnant or negative energy from your home, office, or any space that needs healing. Clearing and balancing the energy in your environment promotes a harmonious and supportive space for living or working.


Reiki Level 2 offers a vast array of possibilities for healing and transformation. Through the attunement to higher energies, learning new techniques, and expanding your healing abilities, you can deepen your spiritual connection, increase personal transformation, and work with Reiki symbols to enhance the healing process. Reiki Level 2 also enables you to use Reiki for mental and emotional healing, balance and harmonize energy centers, explore the power of intentions, and apply Reiki in various life situations. By embracing Reiki Level 2, you unlock your full healing potential and have the opportunity to transform not only your own life but the lives of those around you.

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