How to Tell if Reiki is Working: Signs to Watch for During and After Treatment

In “How to Tell if Reiki is Working: Signs to Watch for During and After Treatment,” the video by Mainstream Reiki, Andrea shares valuable insights for both practitioners and those receiving Reiki. She explains the signs to look out for during and after a Reiki treatment, helping you to develop a deeper understanding and trust in the effectiveness of Reiki energy. If you’re curious about how to recognize the presence of Reiki during your session, or if you’re a practitioner looking for ways to observe and validate the working of this powerful energy, this video is definitely worth your time. Make sure to also check out the second part of this informative series on YouTube to further enhance your Reiki knowledge and experience. Thank you for watching, and may you be blessed with the highest energies. #reiki #reikiclasses #holyfirereiki #reikimentor #mainstreamreiki #distancereiki #andreakennedy #reikihealing #reikimeditation #meditation #peace #selfreiki #reikiisreal #animalreiki

Signs to Watch for During Reiki Treatment

Physical Sensations

During a Reiki treatment, it is common to experience various physical sensations. One of the most noticeable sensations is a feeling of warmth. You may feel a warm, comforting sensation flowing through your body as the Reiki energy is being channeled. This warmth can be particularly noticeable in areas where there is blockage or tension, as the energy works to release and heal those areas.

Another physical sensation that you may experience is tingling. This can manifest as a gentle, subtle tingling sensation in different parts of your body, such as your hands or feet. It is a sign that the energy is flowing and working to bring balance and healing to those areas.

Muscle twitching is yet another physical sensation that can occur during a Reiki treatment. It is a result of the energy clearing any stagnant energy or tension in the muscles. Your muscles may twitch or jerk involuntarily as the energy releases and restores harmony to your body.

Emotional Release

Reiki can also trigger emotional release during a treatment. As the energy penetrates your energy field and reaches the deeper layers of your being, it can bring up emotions that have been suppressed or unresolved. This can manifest as feelings of sadness, anger, or even joy.

It is important to allow these emotions to surface and flow naturally during the treatment. It is a sign that the energy is working to release emotional blockages and bring about emotional healing. By allowing yourself to feel and express these emotions, you are creating space for healing and transformation to take place.

Deep Relaxation

One of the most prominent signs to watch for during a Reiki treatment is a deep sense of relaxation. As the energy flows through your body, it induces a state of deep relaxation, similar to a meditative state. You may feel a sense of calmness and peace wash over you, as any stress or tension melts away.

This deep relaxation is not only beneficial for your physical body but also for your mental and emotional well-being. It allows you to let go of any worries or anxieties and enter a state of pure relaxation and stillness. It is during this state of relaxation that the body can naturally restore and heal itself.

Feeling of Warmth

A common sign that you may experience during a Reiki treatment is a feeling of warmth. This warmth can be both physical and energetic. It is a gentle, soothing sensation that can be felt in different parts of your body as the Reiki energy flows through you.

This feeling of warmth is a reflection of the healing energy at work. It is a sign that the energy is penetrating and nourishing your body, bringing balance and harmony to your physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Embrace this warmth and allow it to envelop you in its healing embrace.

Tingling Sensations

Alongside the feeling of warmth, you may also experience tingling sensations during a Reiki treatment. These tingling sensations are often felt in the hands or feet and can be quite subtle. They are an indication that the energy is flowing freely and working to restore balance and vitality.

Tingling sensations are a positive sign that the Reiki energy is connecting with your body, stimulating the flow of energy and bringing about healing. You may notice these sensations becoming more prominent in areas where there is imbalance or tension, as the energy works to release and restore harmony.

Flow of Energy

A key aspect of Reiki is the flow of energy. During a treatment, you may become aware of this flow of energy as it moves through your body. It can be experienced as a gentle, soothing sensation, as if a healing energy river is flowing within you.

This flow of energy is a powerful sign that the Reiki energy is working to cleanse and balance your energy centers, also known as chakras. It helps to remove any energetic blockages or stagnation, allowing the energy to flow freely and support your overall well-being.

Muscle Twitching

Muscle twitching can also occur during a Reiki treatment. As the energy works to release tension and blockages in your body, your muscles may respond by twitching or jerking involuntarily. This is a natural response and a sign that the energy is actively working to restore harmony and balance.

Pay attention to any muscle twitching you may experience and allow it to happen without resistance. It is a positive sign that the energy is penetrating and bringing about positive changes within your body. Embrace these twitches as a sign of healing in progress.

Changes in Breathing

Another sign to watch for during a Reiki treatment is changes in your breathing pattern. As the energy flows through your body, you may notice that your breathing becomes slower, deeper, and more rhythmic. It is a natural response to the relaxation and deepening of your state of being.

By becoming aware of these changes in your breathing, you can further deepen your relaxation and allow the energy to work its magic. Focus on your breath and allow it to guide you into a state of profound peace and stillness. Through conscious breathing, you can amplify the healing effects of the Reiki energy.

Enhanced Intuition

Reiki treatment can also enhance your intuition. As the energy works to clear energetic blockages and restore balance, it can open up your intuitive channels. During a treatment, you may find that your intuition becomes more heightened and accurate.

Pay attention to any intuitive insights or guidance that may come up during the session. These insights can provide valuable information about your physical, emotional, or spiritual well-being. Trust your intuition and allow it to guide you on your healing journey.

Visualization Experiences

Visualization experiences are another sign to watch for during a Reiki treatment. As the energy works its way through your energy field, you may experience vivid images or scenes in your mind’s eye. These visuals can range from calming and peaceful to transformative and symbolic.

These visualization experiences are a reflection of the healing and transformative power of the Reiki energy. They can provide insights, guidance, or simply serve as a way for your subconscious mind to process and release any unresolved emotions or memories. Embrace these visualization experiences as a part of your healing journey.

Signs to Watch for After Reiki Treatment

Improved Physical Health

After a Reiki treatment, you may notice improvements in your physical health. The energy works to restore balance and harmony within your body, promoting natural healing processes. You may experience reduced pain, improved digestion, enhanced immune function, or increased vitality.

It is important to listen to your body and take note of any changes or improvements you may observe. Reiki is a holistic healing modality that addresses the root cause of ailments, rather than just their symptoms. By promoting balance and harmony, Reiki supports your body’s innate ability to heal itself.

Emotional Balance

Reiki can also bring about emotional balance and healing. You may notice a greater sense of emotional stability and resilience after a treatment. Negative emotions such as anxiety, anger, or sadness may feel less intense or become easier to manage.

By releasing emotional blockages and restoring energetic balance, Reiki allows you to experience greater emotional well-being. It helps you to process and release unresolved emotions, fostering a sense of inner peace and emotional harmony.

Mental Clarity

If you find yourself feeling mentally foggy or scattered, Reiki can help bring about mental clarity. The energy works to calm your mind, allowing you to focus and think more clearly. You may notice improved memory, enhanced concentration, and increased mental alertness.

By clearing energetic blockages and promoting the flow of energy, Reiki supports the optimal functioning of your brain and nervous system. It helps to release mental and emotional clutter, allowing you to experience a greater sense of mental clarity and coherence.

Increased Energy Levels

One of the telltale signs of a successful Reiki treatment is an increase in energy levels. After a session, you may feel more invigorated, motivated, and energized. Reiki helps to remove energetic blockages that may be draining your energy, allowing your life force energy to flow freely.

As your energy levels increase, you may find that you have a renewed sense of vitality and enthusiasm for life. Tasks that once felt overwhelming may become easier to manage, and you may have a greater capacity to engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.

Sense of Well-being

Reiki has a powerful impact on your overall sense of well-being. After a treatment, you may experience a deep sense of peace, contentment, and inner harmony. It helps to balance your physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects, bringing about a holistic state of well-being.

This sense of well-being is not just limited to the immediate aftermath of a Reiki treatment. Through regular sessions, you can cultivate a lasting sense of well-being that permeates all aspects of your life. Reiki acts as a supportive ally on your journey to optimal health and happiness.

Improved Sleep

If you struggle with sleep issues, Reiki can be a valuable tool for improving the quality of your sleep. After a treatment, you may notice that you fall asleep more easily, experience more restful sleep, and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Reiki works to clear any energetic imbalances and release tension, allowing your body and mind to relax deeply. This relaxation facilitates the transition into a restful sleep state, promoting a more peaceful and regenerative sleep experience.

Release of Toxins

During and after a Reiki treatment, you may experience the release of toxins from your body. These toxins can manifest in different ways, such as increased urination, deep breathing, or releasing emotions. It is a positive sign that your body is detoxifying and eliminating accumulated waste.

It is important to support your body’s natural detoxification process by staying hydrated, eating nutritious foods, and engaging in self-care practices that promote overall well-being. As the toxins are released, you may notice improvements in your physical and emotional health.

Heightened Spiritual Connection

Reiki is not only a physical and emotional healing modality but also a spiritual one. After a treatment, you may experience an enhanced sense of spirituality and connection to something greater than yourself. This can manifest as a deep sense of peace, a heightened awareness of your spiritual path, or a feeling of being in alignment with your purpose.

Reiki helps to awaken and align your spiritual energy, allowing you to tap into your deepest truths and wisdom. It supports your spiritual growth and development, fostering a stronger connection to your inner self and the divine.

Synchronicities and Signs

After a Reiki treatment, you may begin to notice synchronicities and signs in your life. These can come in various forms, such as meaningful coincidences, serendipities, or repetitive patterns. They are a reflection of the alignment and flow of energy that Reiki creates in your life.

Pay attention to these synchronicities and signs, as they can provide guidance and affirmation on your path. They serve as reminders that you are supported and guided by a higher power, and that you are on the right track.

Receiving Insights and Inspiration

As the energy works to restore balance and harmony within you, you may find that you receive insights and inspiration during and after a Reiki treatment. These insights can come in the form of inspired thoughts, creative ideas, or intuitive guidance.

Be open to receiving these insights and inspiration, as they can provide valuable guidance and direction in your life. You may find that you gain clarity on certain situations or receive guidance on how to move forward on your path.


Reiki is a powerful healing modality that offers numerous benefits for your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. During a treatment, watch for signs such as physical sensations, emotional release, deep relaxation, feeling of warmth, tingling sensations, flow of energy, muscle twitching, changes in breathing, enhanced intuition, and visualization experiences.

After a Reiki treatment, observe signs such as improved physical health, emotional balance, mental clarity, increased energy levels, sense of well-being, improved sleep, release of toxins, heightened spiritual connection, synchronicities and signs, and receiving insights and inspiration.

By being aware of these signs and embracing them, you can deepen your experience and gain a better understanding of the healing process that Reiki facilitates. Reiki has the power to transform and enhance your life in profound ways, bringing about balance, harmony, and holistic well-being. Embrace the journey and allow the healing energy of Reiki to guide you on your path to optimal health and happiness.

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